
Very heavy in terms of digital work, Slack came to us needing to refresh their designs for banners and social posts. We worked closely with Slack’s design team to incorporate their designs in many various placements. Through their trust in our design capabilities, we were able to sell through animated videos that they ran in paid social posts that achieved high engagement rates from their followers.

Social Videos

All done in-house, from pencil sketches to animation, we were able to create engaging social videos that increased awareness for the brand. Each video - total of three videos - began with the main character being overwhelmed by the nuances of work and ended with Slack providing a better way for work collaboration.

Display Banners

The majority of work done for Slack came to life in the form of various animated banners. We closely worked with their design team to implement their designs in specific banner sizes, all while coming up with the animation that helped the banners be more eye-catching and engaging.


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